During this time of meditation and reflection on our lives, it is amazing how we realise that we spend so much time on the business of life that we do not spend enough time guarding our hearts. I found a very true quote from C.S.Lewis in a book I am reading by one of my favourite authors , John Eldredge (entitled “The Heart). It read” ...the Christian message is thought to be essential concerned with only how to deal with sin: with wrongdoing or wrong being and its effects. Life, our actual existence, is not included in what is now presented as the hearty of the Christian message (the Divine Conspiracy). As our Archbishop recently reflected “The aim of bringing sin into the light is not to put ourselves or others under condemnation, but rather, to open up ourselves, our church, society and world, to the glorious opportunities for God’s salvation and redemption in every area of human life and activity. And let’s be honest: we certainly need God’s rescue and recovery in so much of society! Yet if we do not acknowledge sin, how can we receive God’s more than wonderful solution to sin?”
And yet so often we focus on our faith as one of denial and “giving things up” instead of one of accepting life in all its fullness. Jesus said—I have come that they may have life and life in abundance.”
As we reflect on this life over lent may we seek the life in abundance, may we make space for eth good or as St Ignatius put it—”it is not about choosing between good and bad but between good and better. “
This lent - let us seek the better, let us make room in our lives for the goodness of God.
May God bless you abundantly.
Next Sunday is Vestry—please make every effort to attend and be part of planning for the year ahead. The reports will be available to read and won’t be presented in full (to save time) and elections of the new council will be simple as nominations have been completed.
Join us and celebrate our lives together.
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